by 2:35 PM 0 comments
 I don't know what you have heard about me. My question is, how did you find out about me? Exactly. I am done running. I will live or die with no regrets. how did this situation go from 0 to 100? Exactly.  If this goes beyond this point. It wasn't me. What y'all want me to do....take a lie detector test? Nah.. that means legal shit. Legal shit ain't my thing. Think about it.Why would I come back to the one that is ill. I'm going to leave everything in God's hand. Or y'all can give me the OG lie detector test  and put a gun to my head. I'm done running. King you have three missions. One, put God first.second, you have to fill in the blanks. You have too many fill in the blanks for me to be Janet. Or for you to be Will. I will be Jada. I'll give you scriptures from the bible to keep your spirit high. Third, enjoy yourself with the ladies. I am going to take care of myself. And focus on God...the father, the son and the holy spirit. Maybe one day...but you have to fill the blanks first.



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